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I teach Fit4baby, Stroller Strides, Strides 360 and Body boost

Why Did You Start Coming to Fit4Mom?

When I had my first child, I had been living in the USA for less than a year. I barely knew ten people and maybe only one other mom! I joined FIT4MOM classes and discovered an incredible community beyond just workouts. The support, the friendly smiles, the helping hand to push your stroller, and the phone numbers you can call anytime were invaluable.

Then COVID happened, and we moved to a different area. It was a very tough period for me. I got pregnant again and searched for a FIT4MOM franchise in my new location but couldn't find one. Somehow, life brought FIT4MOM back to me. I loved it so much!

FIT4MOM has always been a significant part of my life as a mom, and I hope it will continue to be, even as my kids grow older!

Favorite Class

Body Boost, 100% !!! I am a fitness addict and I'd do anything to push myself as far as I can!

Favorite Workout Move

Haha, I have to say burpees right!

Mom Hack

"Think like a dad!" It can relieve so much stress and mental load. Heading out without a car full of snacks, water, diapers, etc., feels liberating. Guess what? We'll figure it out! I always keep two diapers and a pack of wipes in the car—just in case. Sometimes I plan and organize everything, and other times, I just figure it out as I go!

Coffee Order

Iced latte with oatmilk